Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Count your Blessings

 I try to always be mindful to see right in front of me all that I have and be grateful. With Easter weekend happening two days ago, I really spent some time thinking about Christ and the magnitude of his presence in my life. Not only did He die for ME, love me daily, and make it possible for me to have peace and an eternity with him, he gave me such blessings here on earth!

Joe had to work nearly the entire Easter weekend. When duty calls in real estate you can't choose not to respond and expect deals to close. So on this beautiful Saturday Crew and I went to work with Daddy. Well, what that means is that we spent the whole day in the car! Waiting for meetings, and showings, and then more showings...
As I usually do, I brought my camera because we were planning on making time to see if a few tulips were blooming. We never made it to the tulips but I got to spend the whole day, in the car, with this little redhead. This little redhead that I never expected to come to me. This little guy who is most precious and sweet. We have spent five and one-half months together, he and I, and I still can't believe he is ours and that God blessed us so abundantly!

I'm sure my Facebook community is probably tired of baby pictures and to that I say don't look, but I have to share what God has done for me and what a gift I have in this little boy!!!

And as if this was not enough for the weekend, Ethan and Jack made the decision to be baptized! I'm going to share about that next!

Thank you Jesus for your continued blessings, I am so grateful!




 practicing sitting,


and being ohh so cute!