Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Girls Night Out

We went to Seattle on Monday for more testing. We did our appointments at Children's in Seattle and then we stopped for a little fun before checking into the sleep center in Bellevue. We had to rest a lot however because when you are nearly 8 months pregnant, you should not push a 110lb 14- year- old all over the place!
Dinner time.... with orange cream soda!

And then it was off to her favorite number SeVen, to slEEp!
But First they had to hook her up to every single one of these wires...
Not long and she looked like this :(
Unfortunately the nurse had to come in and UP her oxygen during the night to keep her in the high 90s oxygen wise. We are still waiting to hear back on all three tests.
Resting in the fact: God is in Control!

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