Thursday, April 24, 2008

Better Than Our Wildest Dreams...

You know when you have a picture in your mind of how something will look like, feel like, taste like, smell like?  Well our wedding was even more amazing than any picture that I could come up with in my mind. It took everyone available to pull it off and we will be forever grateful for all the help and love everyone poured into our big day.  I am overwhelmed by the events of our wedding day. I will look forward to sharing with you more when we get a bit more settled.  We were blessed in every way. The wedding was everything we thought it would be and more. Please be patient while I process the pictures. I have a lot to go through and I need to decide how to go about posting!  Thank you everyone for praying, our wedding was well.....perfect. God is faithful and we are so thankful that His presence was with us on our wedding day! Stay tuned... :) 
Mrs. Amy Mason


Anonymous said...

Welcome home Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mason! Congratulations on your new marriage made in heaven. I look forward to seeing your pictures and reading your highlights.


rebecca said...

Congrats Amy, we are so happy for you. Can't wait for the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Amy! I am so thrilled for you and Joe and can't wait to see more pictures and to hear more stories! awesome to see how God brought the 2 of you together and as a family. "My new Dad is the best part of my trip" That has got to fill you with joy!

love, Chantel M

Anonymous said...

Congrats Amy! I am so thrilled for you and Joe and can't wait to see more pictures and to hear more stories! awesome to see how God brought the 2 of you together and as a family. "My new Dad is the best part of my trip" That has got to fill you with joy!

love, Chantel M